From Ad4Game Developers
Revision as of 09:50, 13 August 2013 by Mostapha (Talk | contribs)

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Download iOS SDK

Download the [iOS SDK for publishers]. Decompress the zip file and extract the files to your development mac.
The Ad4game iOS SDK is provided as a single framework file (A4GPub.framework), making it easy to include in your iOS project.

Include the A4GPub.framework

To include the A4GPub.framework to your xcode project, you need to select your target project, and then go to Build Phases → Link Binary With Libraries,
then click on the + sign → Add Other, and select the A4GPub.framework saved on your mac as shown below:

Include the AdSupport.framework

You need to include the AdSupport.framework to your project target to enable the Advertiser Identifier functionality. Go to Build Phases → Link Binary With Libraries, then click on the + sign to add the AdSupport.framework as shown below:

Then, change the value of AdSupport.framework from Required to Optional.

Include the SystemConfiguration.framework

You need to include the SystemConfiguration.framework to your project target to enable detection of the connection type. Go to Build Phases → Link Binary With Libraries, then click on the + sign to add the SystemConfiguration.framework.

Include the QuartzCore.framework

You need to include the QuartzCore.framework to your project target to customize the interface.
Go to Build Phases → Link Binary With Libraries, then click on the + sign to add the QuartzCore.framework.

Display Mobile Ads

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